“A Country Called Ghana,” the 2024 film produced by Ghanaian actor Kojo Nkansah, has secured a nomination at the forthcoming 2024 Black Star Film Festival (BSIFF).
The film, which gained massive appeal and sparked widespread interest, earned a nomination for Black Star Movie of the Year. This comes after its previous nominations at the 2024 African Film Festival in New Zealand, Nollywood Film Festival in Germany, and the Imo International Film Festival (ImoIFF).
Despite generating controversy and backlash for featuring non-Ghanaians, “A Country Called Ghana” boasts a diverse cast of Ghanaian and Nigerian actors, including Ramsey Nouah, Charles Awurum (aka Awilo Sharp Sharp), and Victor Osuagwu (aka Paa George and Sweet Mimi), alongside other talented actors who brought their exceptional skills to the project.
In response to critics, the actor and executive producer of the film explained that he produced the movie to meet Netflix’s standards, with the goal of securing a deal that would allow the film to be featured on the popular streaming platform.
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Filmed at Kojo Nkansah’s film village, “A Country Called Ghana” distinguishes itself from typical Kumahood films with a sensational plot and thought-provoking storyline that delves into the complex themes of colonialism and western influences.
The Black Star International Film Festival (BSIFF) is an annual film festival that takes place in Accra, Ghana. The festival aims to promote and celebrate the works of filmmakers from Africa and the diaspora as well as to provide a platform for African films to be showcased on an international stage.