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Running Mate Lobbying Should Not Divide Our Party, Chairman COKA Tells NPP

It is a known fact that various interest groups within the party have started lobbying for their preferred candidate to be chosen as Vice Presidential candidate. To make the ticket of the paring more stronger, many have urged NPP to choose its running mate from Ashanti region, the “World Bank” of the party.

A prominent and leading member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Ashanti Region, Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah, popularly known as COKA has raised concerns over the party’s unity and strategy for the upcoming 2024 elections as the race for a running mate continues to threaten efforts.

With the selection of Dr Mahammudu Bawumia as the party’s flagbearer and various key preparations underway, including the formation of campaign teams, the focus now shifts to the crucial decision of selecting a running mate.

However, this decision has sparked intense lobbying within the party, particularly in the Ashanti region, often referred to as the “World Bank” of the NPP.

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The pressure to choose a running mate from the Ashanti Region has led to tensions and divisions, which Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah warns could jeopardize the party’s stronghold.

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Highlighting the significance of the Ashanti region in securing victory for the NPP, Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah emphasized the need for unity and caution against any actions that may further divide the region or the party.

In a post on Facebook, addressing Dr. Mahammudu Bawumia directly, Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah urged the party’s flagbearer to expedite the selection process for the running mate, citing the importance of timely decision-making in averting potential crises and strengthening the party’s position.

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Referring to the NPP’s constitution, which stipulates a deadline for selecting the running mate, he also underscored the urgency of adhering to these guidelines to prevent deepening cracks within the party.

Despite his disappointment in losing a regional chairmanship contest, Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah reaffirmed his unwavering commitment to the NPP’s cause and called on all party members, including those who were unsuccessful in primaries, to rally behind the party’s campaign to secure victory in 2024.

Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah reiterated the unity of purpose within the NPP and expressed confidence in the party’s ability to overcome challenges and emerge victorious in the upcoming elections.

Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah signals his determination to see the NPP succeed and urges all members to unite behind the party’s aspirations.


The NPP seems to be at crossroads…
NPP has selected Dr. Mahammudu Bawumia (DMB) as our party flagbearer for 2024 elections. We have selected our Parliamentary candidates, and constituted our campaign team and manifesto committees. The only Puzzle left is the selection of the running mate to partner our candidate and the party will be all ready for the 2024 elections.

It is a known fact that various interest groups within the party have started lobbying for their preferred candidate to be chosen as Vice Presidential candidate. To make the ticket of the paring more stronger, many have urged NPP to choose its running mate from Ashanti region, the “World Bank” of the party. So the lobbying is intense in Ashanti region and therefore seems to have created “tension and deep division” in Ashanti region.

NPP cannot afford to take Ashanti region for granted that is the hard core fact.
The NDC , our main opponent has made Ashanti region (NPP’s base ) their target to get more votes going into 2024 elections; not even their considered world bank, Volta region. It is therefore IMPORTANT we ( NPP) do not allow the selection of a running mate to divide Ashanti region the more. Fact, if Ashanti region fails NPP, the NPP party will be in BIG TROUBLE. The region need everybody to help break the 8. Let us not pressurize DMB, let’s allow him to make his best choice .

Furthermore, l also want to appeal to Dr. Bawumia, our candidate for 2024 to also save NPP from further division by naming his running mate sooner than later. This will further help the party especially Ashanti region NPP from further deteriorating. By naming the running mate NOW, any fallouts could be managed and handled by the ongoing reconciliation team in the Ashanti region led by Mr. Edward Boateng.

Indeed, per our revised NPP constitution in article 13 section 3 (1) and (2) our candidate ought to have selected our running mate by the close of December last year, 2023, however, per his request for extension it was granted by National Council. Recent events especially in the Ashanti region are not encouraging. As a concern Patriot my concern and that of many is that when the process is delayed the cracks become dipper and more disturbing which wouldn’t help the party’s course for our quest to break the 8. Ghana and NPP need DMB to save the country from going back into development.
We need a running mate who will rejuvenate the base of our party in the region.

I contested for the regional chairmanship position.It was a fierce contest and unfortunately, l lost but I can’t turn my back to the party I love so much. I am fully on board the Party’s campaign to help break the 8 and expect all others including parliamentary candidates who lost primaries to also join the campaign.
We have only one NPP. 2024 is the ultimate, let’s unite behind the big elephant.
We can do it Kukrudu Kukrudu Kukrudu!!! Coka, l care.

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