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Cecilia Dapaah: Lawyers of Former Househelp Seek All Documents of OSP Investigation in Theft Case

The documents being sought include caution statements, interviews, and details from interrogations of Cecilia Dapaah and Daniel Osei Kufuor when the OSP first arrested the minister and searched her home last year

Lawyers for Patience Botwe, the ex-househelp of former Sanitation Minister Cecilia Dapaah, have filed an application requesting all documents from the investigation conducted by the Office of Special Prosecutor (OSP) when it probed the Minister and her husband for suspected corruption.

At a court hearing on Tuesday, Botwe’s lawyers informed the High Court of the filing, saying that the investigative documents when granted, would allow them to carry an effective cross-examination on Daniel Osei Kuffuor, the architect husband of Cecilia Dapaah. Osei Kuffour had previously been cross-examined last month.

Read Also: Cecilia Dapaah: Husband Tells Court Cash Stolen By Househelps Kept For 20 Years

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“We filed a motion (on Wednesday, June 12) with a return date of June 27 for an order of this honorable court to procure documents from the Office of the Special Prosecutor to enable us to effectively cross-examine the current witness as well as others listed in this matter,” lawyer Komivi Dzortsi told the Court.

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The documents being sought include caution statements, interviews, and details from interrogations of Cecilia Dapaah and Daniel Osei Kufuor when the OSP first arrested the minister and searched her home last year.

Botwe (18) and Sarah Adjei (30), another ex-domestic staff, have been accused, alongside five others of allegedly stealing large amounts of cash in both foreign and local currencies from the bedroom of the couple. The public knowledge of the theft case later led to a probe into the former minister’s affairs by the Office of Special Prosecutor (OSP).

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