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Hands off our Hotel Demo: Ablakwa Condemns Police act During Protest

Convener for the "Hands off our hotels Demo" has condemned tear gas and paper spray attack mounted by the police on protestors during the march.

The lead organizer of the ‘Hands Off Our Hotels’ protest, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, has expressed disappointment with the Ghana Police Service for firing tear gas and pepper spray at protesters during the march.

During the protest, the police are said to have stopped the protestors midway at the switchback road in Cantonment, Accra, from reaching their agreed endpoint at Christ the King.

Speaking to the media, Ablakwa quizzed the police on the need for the use of tear gases when the protestors had done nothing but peacefully conduct themselves with civility throughout the protest.

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“First of all, let me condemn what the police did. This is a peaceful march. Our people have conducted themselves so well. Look at the thousands who poured out. There were no issues, no violence, nobody came here with a weapon. Why do you fire tear gas at innocent civilians, helpless and hapless?” Ablakwa asked. 

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The MP also revealed that some injured protestors have been rushed to the hospitals to receive emergency healthcare due to the nature of their injuries.

“Now as we speak, we’ve had to rush a few to the hospital. If anything happens to our fellow citizens, the police hierarchy will pay for it. They will be held accountable. We condemn what they have done and we want to tell them that their duty is to protect us. They cannot take the law into their own hands and intimidate innocent citizens, helpless and hapless citizens who are only performing their civic duties,” he stated.

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