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A-Plus: Charting a Presidential Path – From MP Candidate in 2024 to a Potential Presidential Contender in 2032

A-Plus, is currently running an impressive campaign as an independent candidate for the Gomoa Central parliamentary seat in the upcoming 2024 General Elections. This strategic move positions him as a formidable contender for MP.

Kwame Asare Obeng, commonly known as A-Plus, is currently running an impressive campaign as an independent candidate for the Gomoa Central parliamentary seat in the upcoming 2024 General Elections.

With the timing coming as a surprise to many, the social commentator and musician declared his intention to contest for the seat in September last year, during his father’s funeral in the Central Region.

A-Plus’s journey from a celebrated musician and social commentator to a severe political contender has been remarkable. From setting up an independent movement, dubbed ‘The People’s Project’ to mount pressure on the two main political parties, his decision to contest for the Gomoa Central parliamentary seat as an independent candidate is a testament to his dedication to the people, and effecting change at the grassroots level.

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This strategic move has positioned him as a formidable contender for MP in the upcoming Parliamentary elections. A-Plus will be contending with the current Member of Parliament, Naana Eyiah Quansah, who doubles as the Deputy Minister for Interior and has been retained by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to run for the third term. While this may be a tough battle for A-Plus, the current state of the constituency will push more voters to seek a new, and maybe, a better option.

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A-Plus: The MP Candidate in 2024

Throughout his ongoing campaign, A-Plus has exhibited a deep understanding of his constituency’s concerns, hopes, and aspirations. His ability to connect with constituents, particularly the youth, has been exceptional.

In December 2023, he started a road construction project to connect two sister towns, Gomoa Dahom and Gomoah Gyaman in the constituency.

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“…I will complete this project before the 2024 election. I’m not here to make promises. I’m here to deliver before I promise to do more when elected,” he wrote on his Facebook Timeline after videos of the project went viral.

Additionally, his focus on transparency, accountability, and ethical leadership has resonated with voters weary of traditional politics characterized by corruption and empty promises.

Although these attributes give him an edge over his main contender, his popularity in the media both as a social commentator and a pundit gives him even a strategic advantage.

Campaigning the A-Plus Way

His unwavering commitment to principles often overlooked in politics sets A-Plus apart. He advocates for a departure from the status quo, emphasizing the importance of ethical leadership and accountability.

At the core of his people-centered campaign is a message on the need for transformative change. Obviously, this message has found a receptive audience among the residents of Gomoa Central.

A-Plus’s effective use of social media and technology has expanded the reach of his campaign, engaging the younger generation and harnessing their support. He recognizes that digital platforms are vital for connecting with today’s electorate.

A Potential Presidential Contender in 2032?

As A-Plus navigates the challenges and successes of his campaign in 2024, many observers believe that he can become a formidable presidential candidate in the future, potentially in the 2032 elections. Several factors contribute to this assessment:

First, A-Plus’s ability to connect with the youth positions him as a candidate with broad appeal in an era where the youth play an increasingly significant role in Ghanaian politics. He will be in the same age group as John Mahama when he first became vice president, meaning he may have to work hard to win or be categorized as an old man on his next attempt. Akufo-Addo can be a good case study.

This is very contentious but his consistent advocacy for moral leadership and accountability resonates with a population weary of corruption and inefficiency in government. This commitment to principles could make him an attractive presidential contender.

Additionally, A-Plus has already shown a willingness to engage with pressing national issues and propose innovative solutions. His ability to articulate forward-looking policies could set him apart in future presidential races.

With more electorates beginning to appreciate transparency and accountability in Ghanaian politics, A-Plus’s reputation and personal integrity become valuable in a political space where trust is often in short supply.

As A-Plus campaigns tirelessly for the Gomoa Central parliamentary seat in the 2024 General Elections, his emergence as a potential presidential candidate in 2032 becomes increasingly apparent. His strategic move to contest as an independent candidate for MP underscores his commitment to change at the grassroots level.

It sets the stage for a potential presidential run in the future. Ghana’s political landscape is evolving, and A-Plus represents a beacon of hope for a brighter and more principled political future. While the 2024 elections may focus on his MP candidacy, the prospect of A-Plus running for the highest office in the land in 2032 is a compelling narrative that continues to captivate the imagination of many Ghanaians eager for transformative and ethical leadership. With the New Force now in sight, we all look forward to interesting times in that political scene after leaders of the two major political parties finally retire.

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