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Ablakwa Files RTI Request, Seeking Details on Rock City’s Tax Clearance Certificate From SSNIT

The MP has been at the heart of a crusade to stop the planned sale of a 60% stake in four SSNIT hotels to Rock City Hotel

The Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has filed a Right to Information (RTI) request, demanding information about Rock City Hotel’s Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) Tax Clearance Certificate.

Sharing on X on Monday, Ablakwa said the RTI request directed at SSNIT has become necessary “as Rock City could not have produced a valid one during the tender because they had not filed their tax returns for 2021 and 2022.”

Earlier, he had claimed that documents from the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) show that Rock City Hotel Limited, a company owned by the Agriculture Minister, is in financial distress, making it unqualified to buy the profitable SSNIT hotels.

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Read Also: Prove Rock City’s Financial Struggle Claims – Bryan Acheampong Dares Okudzeto Ablakwa

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“I expect SSNIT to comply with the RTI law and submit the requested information in the spirit of transparency and accountability; and as required in the pursuit of my constitutional mandate of parliamentary oversight,” he noted in the RTI filed on Monday, June 24.

The MP has been at the heart of a crusade to stop the planned sale of a 60% stake in four SSNIT hotels to Rock City Hotel owned by Minister of Agriculture and MP for Abetifi Mr. Bryan Acheampong.

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Last week, along with some members of organised labour, he led a protest over the matter.

Read Also:

“Hands off our Hotels Demo” Ongoing in Accra

CLOGSAG to SSNIT: Hands Off Our Hotels

SSNIT Faces Heightened Opposition to Planned Sale of Hotel Stakes


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