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Beware of Valentine’s Day Scams, Cyber Security Authority Warns

As Valentine’s Day approaches, love is in the air, but so are potential scams lurking in the digital realm. While the romantic holiday is celebrated with gestures of affection and gift-giving, it’s essential to remain vigilant against scams that target their emotions and wallets. With the rise of online platforms and digital communication, scammers have found new ways to exploit unsuspecting individuals, making awareness and caution crucial in safeguarding personal and financial well-being.

The Cyber Security Authority (CSA) has warned the public to be vigilant of online scams that target unsuspecting victims during this period.

According to the CSA, malicious cyber actors use different schemes to defraud people by offering fake or substandard products, impersonating legitimate businesses or brands, sending phishing emails or messages, or creating fake online profiles to lure people into romantic relationships.

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The CSA said that in 2023, at least GHC 3,558,940 was lost through online shopping and romance scams and urged the public to exercise caution and due diligence in their online activities.

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Valentine’s Day scams come in various forms. Still, they often share a common goal: to manipulate individuals into parting with their money or personal information under the guise of love and romance. From fraudulent online dating profiles to fake gift offers, here’s why people in Ghana should be wary of Valentine’s Day scams:

Online Romance Scams: With the proliferation of dating apps and social media platforms, online romance scams have become increasingly prevalent. Scammers create fake profiles and establish relationships with unsuspecting individuals, gaining their trust over time. Once a connection is formed, the scammer may fabricate a story about needing financial assistance, medical emergencies, or travel expenses, ultimately tricking their victims into sending money or sharing sensitive information.

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Phishing Emails and Texts: Scammers often leverage phishing techniques to target individuals with fake Valentine’s Day offers or promotions. These fraudulent emails or texts may appear legitimate, enticing recipients with promises of discounted gifts, romantic getaways, or special deals. However, clicking on malicious links or providing personal information can result in identity theft, financial fraud, or malware infections.

Gift Card Scams: Another common tactic scammers use is selling counterfeit or stolen gift cards. In the lead-up to Valentine’s Day, individuals may encounter offers for discounted gift cards through online marketplaces or social media platforms. However, purchasing these illegitimate gift cards can lead to financial losses, as they may be invalid or compromised.

Fake Charities and Fundraisers: Scammers often exploit the spirit of generosity associated with Valentine’s Day by posing as charitable organizations or individuals in need. They may create fake fundraisers or donation appeals, soliciting contributions for fabricated causes or individuals facing hardships. As a result, unsuspecting donors may unknowingly support fraudulent schemes instead of legitimate charitable efforts.

To protect yourself from Valentine’s Day scams, individuals can take several proactive measures:

Verify the authenticity of online profiles and relationships, especially on dating platforms.
Please be careful when sharing personal or financial information online, especially with unfamiliar contacts.
Be skeptical of unsolicited emails, texts, or social media messages offering unrealistic deals or promotions.

By staying informed and vigilant, you can minimize your risk of falling victim to Valentine’s Day scams. Remember, while love may be blind, keeping a watchful eye when navigating the digital landscape is essential, especially during this romantic season. Let’s celebrate Valentine’s Day with genuine expressions of love and affection while safeguarding ourselves against scammers’ deceptive tactics.





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