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Chinese-only Supermarket Shut Down in Abuja

The supermarket in Abuja allegedly “exclusively permits individuals of Chinese descent to enter”, Nigeria’s consumer protection watchdog said on X.

A Chinese-owned supermarket in Nigeria’s capital has been shut by the authorities over allegations that it denies entry to African shoppers.

The supermarket in Abuja allegedly “exclusively permits individuals of Chinese descent to enter”, Nigeria’s consumer protection watchdog said on X.

It has summoned the supermarket’s owner.

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The Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Nigeria has denied the racism allegations.

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The supermarket is a tenant in a building run by the China General Chamber of Commerce (CGCC).

According to the BBC, Boladale Adeyinka, an official at Nigeria’s Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC), said that the watchdog had launched an investigation into the allegations.

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This follows widespread outrage on social media after some Nigerians shared their experiences of allegedly being turned away by security when they attempted to go to the supermarket, the BBC said.

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