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EC Chair Commends NDC for Returning to IPAC

Jean Mensa revealed that the NDC's return to IPAC has led to a more collaborative and productive relationship with the EC, with the NDC's input being valued and implemented.

The Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Jean Mensa has commended the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for returning to the Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC).

In a press briefing on June 27, 2024, in Accra, Jean Mensa revealed that the NDC’s return to IPAC has led to a more collaborative and productive relationship with the EC, with the NDC’s input being valued and implemented.

“It is a great benefit to all of us that they [NDC] have returned to IPAC. And the discussions have been going on very well. They have been very constructive. There has been valuable feedback that has come from the NDC, as well as some of the other parties,” Jean Mensa said.

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She added that they have incorporated the suggestions provided by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and they are currently in the process of implementing them.

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“We have taken those on board and we have inputted them and we are working to implement them in our processes. So for the just-ended [voter] registration exercise, there was valuable feedback that the NDC brought on board,” she said.

The NDC boycotted IPAC in March 2021 due to disputed 2020 parliamentary and presidential election outcomes and perceived biases by the Electoral Commission (EC), which led to a lack of trust and confidence in the EC.

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However, following interventions by the National Peace Council in December 2023, the NDC agreed to rejoin.

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