Information Minister-designate, Madam Fatimatu Abubakar has commended the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) for its role in combating Mis/Disinformation ahead of the December 7, election.
Through its fact-checking program, Fact-check Ghana, the institution has helped to debunk several misinformation both online and on social media.
The Ministry of Information has therefore also taken the lead in bringing together stakeholders in Ghana’s media landscape to draft a National Action Plan — a blueprint for combating misinformation and disinformation at its roots.
Madam Abubakar who was addressing a forum on countering mis/disinformation and propaganda narratives in the 2024 elections, stated that the Ministry of Information’s Media Literacy Programs and the National Action Plan on Mis/Disinformation as measures had been taken to ensure the reduction of the menace, especially in this election period.
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“The enactment of the Right to Information Act, 2019 (Act 989), is a pivotal measure in addressing misinformation in Ghana because it has the potential to significantly diminish the spread of inaccurate content,” she said.
The Minister Designate also added that “fact-checking is critical in combating misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda and the government would invest in independent fact-checking organizations to verify assertions made during election campaigns”.