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Mahama Orders NDC to Halt Campaigns Over Voter’s Register Issues

Former President John Mahama has ordered executives of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to cease campaigning for now to invest their energy into monitoring the ongoing voter exhibition exercise.

He said the directive kicks off today, Friday, September 25 until the exercise officially ends.

Mr Mahama said a vigorous campaign will serve no purpose if the primary document on which the elections are going to be conducted is flawed, hence the need to pay attention to this important exercise.

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“I wish to in consultation with the Functional Executive Committee ask all our constituency executives, regional executives and branch executives to halt any campaign activity for the next three days and just focus on this exhibition exercise. Submit your report on Monday,” he said at a press conference. “What is the use of a voters register that could distort the results of the elections.”

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Meanwhile, Mahama has warned the election management body that its credibility was at stake and must put in place measures to ensure the upcoming poll is fair to all stakeholders.

Even though Mr Mahama acknowledged that the NDC has exhibited restraint since the electoral process started, he stated that the party will not allow the EC usurp the people’s mandate.

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At the news conference, he said, “we in the NDC have exhibited restraint at all times in this electoral process, even now we are committed to doing so. But we will not accept the result of a flawed election.”

He went on “we will certainly not look on, neither will we shirk our civic responsibility and allow the EC, whether it intends to or sheer incompetence to usurp the peoples mandate in the December 7 polls.”

“We want to see fairness, transparency, and integrity in the process leading up to the elections. The EC will take responsibility and act in good faith to resolve them,” he added.

Source: Daily Mail GH

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