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NDC Will Not Support Change in Election Date, Says Mahama

Speaking at a party workshop in Ho over the weekend, Mahama said the proposal by the EC is simply not feasible.

The flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Mahama, says his party still opposes the proposal from the Electoral Commission (EC) to move the general elections to November 7, instead of the conventional December 7 date.

Speaking at a party workshop in Ho over the weekend, Mahama said the proposal by the EC is simply not feasible.

“We [NDC] do not believe that this is being proposed in good faith. The EC must concern itself with getting the basics right and ensure full readiness for the election before seeking to bite what it does not need to chew,” Mahama said.

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Since returning to IPAC later last month, the NDC has been vocal in its opposition to the EC’s proposal for an election date change. The party has also accused the EC of unpreparedness as the Commission is yet to release the calendar of activities for the December polls.

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“The EC waited for seven (7) solid years to pass after 2016 without revisiting this issue only to resurrect the subject of voting in November, when Ghana has just ten (10) clear months to the December 07 presidential and parliamentary elections. You don’t wait for an election year to introduce major Electoral Reforms,” Dr. Omane Boamah, the party’s Director of Elections said last month after an IPAC meeting.

The EC on the other hand, has justified its position, saying that holding elections on November 7 affords it sufficient time to effectively manage electoral activities, especially in a run-off situation.

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There have also been calls from the Seventh-day Adventist Church to have the election date changed as it falls on their day of worship.

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