25.2 C

Saturday Morning Hangover Blues: If You See What I See

Smartphone retailers, start taking some insurance policies for your business because we will come and take phones in our numbers and you'll get the full amount in 15 years, if you're lucky.

You see, when matters come, we are quick to rubbish it if doesn’t resonate with us. When one citizen of this Republic of our death said having a Dutch passport was better than a PhD in the Republic, all hell broke loose.

It even became a topic discussed in academia and in politics. At the end of the day, the man is happily minding his business in Oyibo land.
And here we are, where PhD holders are having their salaries blocked because they are on strike. Just fighting for what is due them. Interesting, isn’t it?

Ibi Ghana we dey!

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Who are you when Ph.D people are talking? The man says it’s possible to get a smartphone and pay one cedi a month and citizens have started doing calculations like we do when the Black Stars find themselves in some jumble in a tournament or in a qualifying stage for a tournament.

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Smartphone retailers, start taking some insurance policies for your business because we will come and take phones in our numbers and you’ll get the full amount in 15 years, if you’re lucky.
Or better still, just diversify your business interests to anything that has to do with ambulances within the state. There’s money there. Just don’t get caught!!

Ibi Ghana we dey!!

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Talking of ambulances, matters arising. We have to be very careful here because the ambulance business in this Republic of our death is a bit slippery.
We are in a Republic which is not even celebrated anymore, where ambulances which are meant to carry people in dire need of medical attention is being used to cart all manner of things from firewood to foodstuff to dead bodies. Finito!

Because of an ambulance, somebody’s past military records has been brought to the public domain, because of ambulance, private telephone conversations are in the public domain and the whole matter has shifted from the correctness of the transaction to personal scrutiny. But….

Ibi Ghana we dey!!!

As for the latest ambulance case, hmmm….
Massa, a company which has not been registered was being paid for servicing ambulances in this Republic? And it has landed a good contract for spare parts and millions of Ghanaian beautiful cedis have been paid and more to be paid. Trouble is not far. But before that trouble comes, let’s remember…. The question is, who owns that company?
This new twist of Ambulance Wahala makes me remember the song ‘Okoro, you dey see what I dey see’.

Ibi Ghana we dey!!!

It’s quite interesting that President Biden will will send a delegation to the great and all-seeing Bempah for prayers for reelection and suddenly, he decides not to contest again. And Bempah reigns supreme. Hallelujah!!

Ibi Ghana we dey!!!

Before we round up, this is for your information. We’ll be running a series on My President’s inaugural speech as a form as assessing his performance so that we give him marks.

1. It’s been alleged that the speech in itself was plagiarized.

Rasta’s verdict: No one has taken the matter to any of the courts of the Wiggy fraternity to be determined as such. So it stands as his speech.

2. In the speech he promised not to run a family and friends government.

Rasta’s verdict: Na proper lie!

3. There was mention of protecting the national purse.

Rasta’s verdict: Now we owe $700 billion-plus. The purse is open for takers. No protection!

4. Also in there, a warning was given to people trying to make lots of money in his government. If you want to make money go to the private sector.

Rasta’s verdict: It never happened. Why was he struggling for first and second ladies to be paid? Why, were they hungry?
Why, can millions running into billions in different currencies be found in Auntie Sissy’s house alone?
Why should the so-called US military expert be buying our hotels?

5. He also stated that there would be no room for corruption.

Rasta’s verdict: Upon the creation of the Office of the Special Prosecutor to date, no significant corruption cases against his people have been successful. Always clearing.
We keep on keeping on.

Ibi Ghana we dey!!!

Have a wonderful hangover morning and a weekend of pondering on My President’s legacy. Great or not, that’s up to you.

Comments, corrections and general views are welcome at [email protected]

The views expressed in this article are solely the views of the writer and are purely satirical.

The Accra Times assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this post. The information contained in this story is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness.

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