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South Africa’s National Assembly Elects Cyril Ramaphosa as President-Elect

Mr. Ramaphosa was elected with 283 votes against Mr Julius Malema with 44 votes.

The National Assembly of South Africa has, during its first sitting of the 7th Parliament on Friday, elected Cyril Ramaphosa as the President-elect of the Republic of South Africa. He has been re-elected to serve a second term as the President.

As the country’s constitution states, the National Assembly must, at its first sitting after its election, elect a woman or a man from among its members to be the President. Mr. Ramaphosa was elected with 283 votes against Mr Julius Malema with 44 votes.

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The South African Constitution states that when elected President, a person ceases to be a member of the National Assembly and, within five days, must assume office by swearing or affirming faithfulness to the Republic and obedience to the Constitution.

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The President-elect will be inaugurated during a ceremony in Pretoria which, according to the South African Constitution, should take place within five days after the President’s election. Once the President has taken the oath of office, he will proceed to form a cabinet, selecting ministers who will head various government departments and execute the administration’s policies.

Additionally, the President will convene a joint sitting of the newly established National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces for the Opening of Parliament Address (OPA).

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