Yaw Nsarkoh Writes: Under the Spells of Founder(s) and Coups – Another August of Ghanaian Political Metaphysics
There is, located in West Africa, a country of 32 million (or more) people, called Ghana. It is God’s own country. Except we Ghanaians...
Kwesi Prempeh Writes: Putting Country First Without; The Case of Presidentialism Without Parties
Taking on board the lessons of our political experience as a country, I think it's time to try some deep constitutional innovation to save...
A Ritualistic, Political Tokenism: A Mockery of a Democracy – Yaw Nsarkoh
Yaw Nsarkoh, the former Executive Vice President of Unilever Ghana and Nigeria, and an ardent commentator on Ghanaian and African political and economic issues...
Ghana’s Democracy Safe So Long as It Corresponds with our Traditions – Asantehene
Asante King, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II says without indigenous traditions and culture, Ghana's democracy will fail the test of time.Otumfuo was speaking at the...