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Tenants not entitled to 3 months grace period before vacating rented place – Rent Control PRO

According to him, tenants who make such claims do not know the law and that it  is a misconception as there is no such provision in the rent laws.

“This notion in the minds of tenants that when you are being evicted, you should be given three months grace period is not in our laws,” he said

His comments come on the back of several claims that one is entitled to some grace periods while looking for a new place.

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Citing section 31 of the rent law he indicated that “nothing should prevent the landlord from collecting its rate from any tenant” because “a landlord owes no tenant any grace period, let alone permitting the tenant to stay for the period on free rent”.

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The PRO, however, explained: “The scenario is that if you’ve come to stay on somebody’s premises and you want to dwell in for a year, getting to the third or second month to the end of your tenancy, you should start a conversation, start talking to the landlord whether you will renew it or you want to vacate.”

He further noted that the engagement will afford the landlord, since he is a commercial venture, also to start looking for somebody to come and dwell in the room when the previous tenant moves out.

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“But you wait till the end of your tenancy before you go to the landlord or you run to the Rent Control Department that you want grace period and then also that the grace period must be free, this as I said, there’s no grace period, and there’s no free rent,” he stressed.


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