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Total Lockdown Won’t Stop Surge in COVID-19 Cases, Adhere to Protocols – GHS

The Ghana Health Service (GHS) say the surge in cases of the novel coronavirus does not trigger the need to totally lock the country down at this point.

The Service’s Director-General, Dr Patrick Kuma-Aboagye believes the disregard for the health recommended protocols are contributing to the spike and must be revisited.

“Lockdown is a package of restrictions. So we can still do a lockdown of some restrictions and still achieve the same results. It doesn’t necessarily mean we should go into a general lockdown,” he said on Tuesday.

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Some experts have drawn attention to the institution of a second lockdown to curb the virus’ spread.

The Ghana Medical Association (GMA) has already called on government to impose restrictions on social gatherings as the surge in active Covid-19 cases persist.

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The Information Ministry has further communicated the government’s intention to adopt a much stringent approach which may include a lockdown if need be as all options are currently on the table amid the second wave of infections.

Speaking on JoyNews’ PM Express, the GHS boss explained that all efforts would have been futile if a total limiting of restricts is undertaken without a strict compliance regime.

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“If we have safety protocols like wearing of masks, social distancing and they’re refusing to obey them and we go on to do a lockdown we only go back to the same issues again,” he insisted.

Ghana has confirmed 62,135 infections with 3,613 active cases and 372 deaths.

Some 646 new cases were recorded while 58,150 recovered as of January 22, 2021.

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