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Truck Driver Arrested for Train Accident on Tema-Mpakadan Railway Line – Police

The accident happened on Thursday afternoon, the Ministry of Railway Development confirmed in a statement.

The Police say they have arrested a truck driver whose vehicle allegedly caused a collision with the new Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU) modern trains undergoing a test drive on the Tema-Mpakadan railway line on Thursday.

“Police preliminary investigation has established that the suspect driver left the vehicle unattended on the railway line, leading to a collision with the train. Police investigation into the incident continues,” a police statement said without identifying the suspect.

The accident happened on Thursday afternoon, the Ministry of Railway Development confirmed in a statement. According to that statement, the truck was parked in the middle of the rail track, making it almost unavoidable to stop when the train approached a curve.

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Read Also: Government’s Modern Trains on Test Drive Involved in ‘Accident’

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No human casualties were recorded, according to the statement. However, the driver’s cab section of the train was hit with minor damages.

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