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Cardiologists Alarmed at Increasing Heart Disease Cases Among Young People

Health experts believe that this occurrence may be due to the consumption of unhealthy diets, some of which are high in carbohydrates.

The Ghanaian Society of Cardiology (GSC) has expressed worry over the negative impact of unhealthy meals and poor dietary choices on the heart health of young Ghanaians.

According to the Vice-president of the Society, Doctor Francis Agyekum, consuming meals that are rich in essential nutrients and engaging in physical activities can help to improve lifestyles and overall health.

“Sometimes people want to exercise, just that the opportunities are not there for them to even exercise. We are also emphasising the fact that people need to take personal charge of their selves,” he told Joy News. “Like the way I will take my car to the mechanic every six months even when the car is not giving any problems, we have to take charge of our health.”

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Recent reports indicate that many young people are presented with heart diseases and other conditions that are typically associated with old age, such as stroke. Health experts believe that this occurrence may be due to the consumption of unhealthy diets, some of which are high in carbohydrates.

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As a result, the General Secretary of the Society, Doctor Lambert Tetteh Appiah, has also called on the government to take urgent action by making the training of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) by National Service Personnel compulsory. He urged companies to take responsibility by training their workers on first aid practices such as administering CPR, which can easily save lives in emergencies.

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