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10 Amazing Ways to Enjoy Your Time in Accra

With a bubbling coastal front and a city of busy endeavours, Ghana's capital will always be one of West Africa's favourite cities. So, we have curated a list of activities to make you enjoy your time in Accra.

Accra, Ghana’s capital is famous for many things. With a bubbling coastal front and a city of busy endeavours starting from its main Makola market centers, through to the bustling Osu Oxford street, and an unstoppable nightlife that has come to stay since the Detty December era; there are so many things to love about this city. To enjoy it better, here are 10 things to do:

  1. Visit the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park and Mausoleum

Initially called the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum, the place received a name change after renovation works last year – turning the landscaped park, (which houses a museum that exhibits a collection of Nkrumah memorabilia) into a sight to behold for any tourist and even locals alike. Overall, the site is a great place to learn about Ghana’s history, its independence, and the man Nkrumah who led that charge.

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2. Makola Market Should be Bucket List Number 2

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10 Ways to Enjoy Your Time in Accra
Makola Market. Photo: Erin Johnson/Flickr

Exploring Accra’s famed Makola market is certainly one of the ways to enjoy the city. Makola, the oldest market in the Region has almost any and everything for shoppers. From fresh produce, manufactured products, imported goods, and local and foreign wax prints, there’s surely something unique to spend some cedis on.

3. Explore James Town For its History of Colonial Accra

10 Ways to Enjoy Your Time in Accra
Lighthouse in Jamestown, Accra.

James Town, in the heart of the city and adjacent Makola, sits with many relics from colonial Accra. Over there, one will find the Ussher Fort, the famous lighthouse, and the vibrant fishing community. And if you’re fortunate to visit in August, you will surely enjoy the spectacular Chale Wote Street Carnival.

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4. Relax at any of Accra’s beachfront, especially the Labadi and Laboma beaches

10 Ways to Enjoy Your Time in Accra

Relaxing at the beach is a universal experience for many. And in Accra, which is one of Ghana’s coastal cities, there’s certainly a window to experience that moment. At the popular Labadi and Laboma beaches, it’s not just the silent experience with the sea’s beating waves, there’s lot of partying too.

5. Museums and an Art Funfair

Accra is littered with museums and art galleries. In almost every corner of the main city, you can find either national or private museums, art galleries, art centers, and roadside folks selling different kinds of art collections. Examples like the Gallery 1957 inside the Kempinski Hotel, the National Museum, the Artists Alliance Gallery, and the Dikan Gallery are popular for art masterpieces.

6. Nightlife at Osu Oxford Street

10 Ways to Enjoy Your Time in Accra - Osu Oxford Street
Osu Oxford Street in Accra

Osu, particularly Oxford Street, is the epicenter of Accra’s nightlife. From lively bars and nightclubs to serene lounges, there’s something for everyone. It’s a great place to meet new people and experience the city’s vibrant nightlife.

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7. Learn a Craft

Ever dreamt of being a potter? Take a class at Happy Art Academy, inside the Art Center, and mold your own piece of Ghana to take home. Or learn the art of making traditional Ghanaian beads.

8. Take Meal-tasting Rounds of Ghana’s Different Cuisines

10 Ways to Enjoy Your Time in Accra - Taste Ghana Jollof

In Ghana, traditional meals abound, and are very representative of the diverse culture of the various ethnic groups that make up the people of Ghana. And so at the epicenter, which is the country’s capital, there’s always some restaurant or eatery to help you discover each of the numerous meals eaten by Ghanaians.

9. Attend a Festival

Festivals are a big element of culture and tradition in Ghana. In the 16 regions, and among all the ethnic groups, each one has its own distinct festival commemorated at some point in the year. In Accra, it’s the Homowo festival celebrated between August and September by the Ga people, whose indigenous home is Accra.

10 Launch the Detty December Mood Sooner Rather Than Later

10 Ways to Enjoy Your Time in AccraBefore the December funfair comes, Accra’s nightclubs and bars are almost busy every weekend. That may be a cue to set the mood ready for the Detty December before the big parties in December and the new year.

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