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Nigerian Army Dismisses Soldiers For Stealing Cables From Dangote Refinery

Former army men, Innocent Joseph, a corporal, and Jacob Gani, a lance corporal were dismissed after earlier arrests at the site of the refinery

The Nigerian Army has sacked two of its soldiers for stealing cables belonging to the Oil Refinery of billionaire, Aliko Dangote in Lagos.

Former army men, Innocent Joseph, a corporal, and Jacob Gani, a lance corporal were dismissed after earlier arrests at the site of the refinery, local media said.

“Preliminary investigation revealed that the two suspects were hired by a civilian contractor simply identified as Mr Smart, who claimed he wanted to recover some armoured cables he had left behind on the refinery’s premises.

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Unknown to the soldiers, the said contractor, sensing trouble as they approached the security post, excused himself from the vehicle and bolted, leaving them behind,” local outlet Premium Times quoted an army spokesperson.

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Authorities have now charged the soldiers for failure to perform military duties and other civil offences punishable under federal laws.

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